What happens when you get an SSW?

You get a bad cold!

Okay, so I’m not going to win any major comedy awards with that one, but it is the honest truth. On February 11th 2018, an SSW (Sudden Stratospheric Warning) event happened which, generally speaking, is fairly self explanatory. The stratosphere, one of the levels of the atmosphere, at the North Pole suddenly warmed up. Now, I’m not talking by a couple of degrees but by tens of degrees.

In the space of about twenty four hours, the temperature in the stratosphere went from -75°C to -35°C and that had a marked effect on the Jetstream that delivers the UK’s weather, by first slowing it down and then buckling it to such a degree instead of heading west-east as is the norm, the jet stream is now heading east-west and what’s to the east of the United Kingdom?

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