Now that I have a max / min thermometer, a wind speed guage and a rain guage, I am now able to join in with everyone else who posts their observations. And, although the United Kingdom uses metric measurements (°C and mm), I have decided to use imperial measurements (°F and inches) so that no one gets confused. All observations are taken at 0800 local time and refer to the previous 24 hours.
Maximum temperature: 75.7°F
Average maximum for July: 67.0°F
Minimum temperature: 66.4°F
Average minimum for July: 53.0°F
Cooling Degree Day: 6.05
Rainfall: 0.002 inches
Looks great Harry for your first observation. Ray and I were talking and suggesting a few easy additions you could make to your post. It is standard practice to list the temperature at observation to help with possible carryover problems (we will discuss this further later). Also reporting a few words as to the sky condition at time of observation – clear, sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, snow, etc. If you miss this some days, just report it as NA for not available. I hope you will understand this. Down the road perhaps a few other fine tuning type remarks may be in order. No big deal to it really. Thanks, great start, appreciate you posting your July 1 data so promptly. Cheerio, Kevin
Sadly Kevin, all I have is a max / min thermometer, a rain guage and a wind guage and that’s it. Given the current heatwave in the UK (which I understand is being reported on globally) I would assume that everyone would guess that we have unbroken sunshine from sunrise to sunset (which if I am being honest is getting very dull very fast)