Maximum Temperature: 79.0°F
Minimum Temperature: 66.9°F
Degree Cooling Days: 7.95
Rainfall: None
Wind Speed (at 0800 BST): 3.2 mph
The Weather of Wales (and other parts of the United Kingdom)
Just another WeatherTogether site
Maximum Temperature: 79.0°F
Minimum Temperature: 66.9°F
Degree Cooling Days: 7.95
Rainfall: None
Wind Speed (at 0800 BST): 3.2 mph
Thanks for your 2nd day of observations Harry! Temps are warm for you but I would prefer them over my mid 90s highs and mid 70s lows! Degree days, both heating and cooling, are expressed to the nearest (rounded) hole degree, so today’s should be 8. Can you give a wind direction also to go along with your speed. I realize that your anemometer only gives you speed, but with a compass and with your back to the wind, you should be able to figure out a direction or bearing for the wind. For wind speed, normally values to the nearest whole mile per hour is reported. If you can report your present weather at time of observation, that would add greatly to your report. Thanks again, take care and keep up the good work! Cheerio Kevin