The first named storm of the season has arrived

A week ago the UK Met Office and Met Éireann (the Met Office for the Republic of Ireland) announced the names of the winter storms for the 2018/2019 season starting off with Ali, then as in the case of the National Hurricane Centre alternating between male and female thereafter with six Irish names and three Welsh names (gathered from suggestions by the public of both countries).

Today, the first of those storms, Ali, has arrived affecting at the moment County Galway on the west coast of Ireland, but affecting the central belt of Scotland later today. Indeed, even here, we have sustained winds of 10mph, gusting to 19mph.

Damage in County Galway, Republic of Ireland
Rainfall Radar September 19th 2018

2 thoughts on “The first named storm of the season has arrived”

  1. Greetings Harry! Thanks for your post. I sure have missed hearing from you about your daily station data and/or monthly summary for August. Are you having problems? I have had problems of late myself, with my station down most of the time the past week so I have not posted during that time till a brief report this past Tuesday the 18th. My friend Marty came over on Tuesday and installed a new VP2 circuit board and now so far I have been up and running ever since. Perhaps you are still having periodic internet connection issues as Nathan mentioned to me a few weeks ago.

    We recently endured quite a stormy spell here on much of the coast of the Eastern United States, particularly in the Carolinas from tropical system FLORENCE. As the remnant storm system was moving away from our area and out into the Atlantic I heard of forecasts of it maintaining some sort of circulation over the North Atlantic and possibly paying a visit to the British Isles. Have you heard any discussions of this on your side of the Big Pond? I always find it fascinating to follow those tropical systems from the United States area that make it to Europe in some form or other.

    Take care and hope to hear more from you soon,

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