Weather Observations: July 10th 2018

Maximum Temperature: 71°F
Minimum Temperature: 65°F
Temperature at 0800 BST (July 11th): 66°F
Rainfall: 0.009 inches (0.25 mm)
Wind Speed: Calm

In order to clarify about rainfall, the rain guage I have has markings in both mm and inches. The lowest marking is 1mm = 0.04 inches, however by using the scale above, I simply use that same scale backwards and then publish the information in inches for international comparsion by taking the mm figure and dividing by 25.4. However on July 2nd I miscalculated and what I published as 0.002 inches (0.05mm) should actually have been 0.02 inches (0.5mm)

One thought on “Weather Observations: July 10th 2018”

  1. Thanks for your great report Harry. We still have some rounding “issues” to work out, but glad to see your explanation on that 0.05 mm precip correction to 0.5 mm – I just couldn’t see how you could read 0.05 mm off your rain gauge. Thanks for adding your time of observation temperature. Have you seen the discussion on WT contributors chat on the categorization of your posts? I believe you have as today’s report is not marked as “uncategorized” but rather as a “weather report”. Sometime ago Nathan and Charlie worked out my daily blogposts to automatically post as a “weather report” as a default, so I don’t have to remember to check off that option just prior to posting my daily blog post. Thanks again, stay cool – – my high temp on Tuesday was in the 33°C range. I don’t think you have been getting that high of late…
    Cheerio, Kevin

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